
For the Media studies coursework I created four pages out of a music magazine. Using inspiration from varieties of other magazines along with my own new ideas I was able to create my own magazine that targets many different types of music listeners. My magazine uses formations of real media products in the sense that the model is pictured facing the reader to attract them and give the impression that they are being called to read, by the model. Titles and insights of other stories are spread across the cover but still leave enough space for the main picture to be the dominant factor of the cover.

My music magazine ranges between many different genres as the main star shown on the contents page, there are also interviews with rap stars and reggae musicians and even violin players. All musicians do however have one thing in common which is that they all rose from a lower class urban setting i.e. ghettos of the country. The magazine can be seen as somewhat an inspirational magazine to display the new ‘stars of the hood’ or ‘slum dogs- come- super stardom. The varieties of genres make it easier to attract different crowds and attach them to their chosen genre thus promoting the name ‘Audio Addikt’. The audience targeted varies between different types of music listeners but is originally meant for aspiring artists living in difficult situations which make jumping into the music mainstream harder. By displaying musicians that were in their condition they may be inspired and given new ideas on how to succeed no matter what form of music they make. This magazine’s readers range between teenagers and those in their twenties so simplistic language is used as well as slangs that appeal to the younger audience. Big, bold and clear images will help to attract the audience. The front cover musician with her instrument helped to show the main focus in that particular issue and other important interviews and stories where displayed on the front of the magazine for more information and for those who are interested in a different musician that the magazine is covering.

Distribution of the magazines would be down to the areas that there is high demand but I think the media institutions involved would be book and magazine stores and instrument shops. By using a book and magazine store as a place of distribution it will catch the eye of different sorts of media customers. Some of these customers may be very keen on music and others may be attracted to the magazine because it features a musician they quite like. Placing the magazines in instrument shops is very effective because while a person is purchasing a new musical instrument or item they may come across the magazine which gives them inspiration and also tells them what the latest information is on their favorite musician. These institutions will be able to promote the product easily and widely through advertisements and customer observation and make it easily accessible.

During the time of making this product I have learnt how to use different programs like Photoshop and In-design. I have learnt the different methods of promoting and selling a magazine and that every feature on the cover has an important reason for being there. I’ve learnt how to use effects in Photoshop a lot more effectively. The preliminary task was an easier task but the full product became more challenging as it needed to be of better quality to attract a wider audience. I have learnt different techniques of designing and making the final product more appealing. The preliminary task was somewhat plainer but with the final magazine a lot of effort was put into filtering the pictures to make it look more interesting and also creating more connotations for certain things e.g. the guitar representing the rock culture.