Friday 20 November 2009


Magazine Photoshoot

I began to take pictures for my magazine cover and contents page. I did photoshoots for each page seperately. For the cover I placed my model infront of a black backdrop and shot them in different positions with and without musical instruments. We had to adjust the lighting a few times to make sure that the pictures would turn out bright enough and shot the models in different positions for variety so as to make a choice of the best one and the ones that will be used for the front cover and the double page spread. I instructed my model on how to pose and let them experiment with some of their own ideas. Reflecters where used to project more light onto the models which gave a good effect to the photographs. Later on, we did the same with a white back drop and picked the best pictures which we doctored in Adobe Photoshop and In-Design.

For my contents page, a various amount of photos were taken with the same model as for my front cover but I also experimented with a few shots of myself as a different rockstar. I placed the camera in places were I wanted it to be and told someone to take pictures of me posing with a guitar. The video below is of me posing for my contents page and being camera shot.

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